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Physical description
As described by the books, Percy has green eyes, Caucasian skin, and black hair. In The Lightning Thief, Percy is portayed as unfit, but later on he becomes more athletic due to his training.

[edit] Personality
Percy is usually portrayed as being good-natured, friendly, brave, and often willing to risk his life to save his friends, strangers, and even his enemies. He is angered by Thalia Grace often, as their similar personalities and leadership styles tend to clash. However they are still very good friends. Percy has a sarcastic sense of humor and is wry in his writing style.

Percy seems to dislike titles being given to him, as he always tells horses, which his father is said to have created, not to call him "boss" or "lord" whenever they talk to him. He also has a strong sense of loyalty and fairness, as he turned down godhood when it was offered to him in order to remain with his friends Annabeth and Grover, asking instead that all of the gods, especially the minor ones, recognize and claim all of their children by the time they turn thirteen years old. Percy, has trouble talking to girls.

It is said by Athena that Percy's fatal flaw is personal loyalty. He will sacrifice anything to save his friends and loved ones. Kronos uses this flaw to manipulate him several times in the series, including when his mother is held hostage, when Grover is trapped on Polyphemus's island, and also when Annabeth is kidnapped. This particular thing also happens in the Battle of the Labyrinth when Kronos holds his friends Grover and Tyson in order to get Percy close to his army.

[edit] In the books
[edit] The Lightning Thief
Main article: The Lightning Thief
Perseus "Percy" Jackson is introduced as a troubled 12-year-old boy who has been diagnosed with both dyslexia and ADHD, and has been kicked out of every single school he has attended. His most recent school is Yancy Academy, New York, where his usual trouble seems to be worse than usual. He has one friend at the school, the satyr-in-hiding, Grover Underwood.

During a field trip to a museum, Grover is taunted by a bully named Nancy Bobofit and, in a fit of rage, Percy accidentally summons water in a nearby fountain to pull Nancy in during lunch. He is called inside the museum to the Ancient Greece exhibit by his pre-algebra teacher, Mrs. Dodds; she turns into a Fury named Alecto and attacks him. Until a moment later, Mr. Brunner, (Percy's favorite teacher), throws his pen at Percy who receives instead a bronze sword. Percy manages to destroy the Fury and returns outside with the sword, which is once again a pen.

When Percy questions Mr. Brunner about what just happened, Mr. Brunner says he saw nothing in particular and comments on how Percy should bring his own writing utensils in the future. As Percy questions his classmates about the same matter, they act as though there was never any "Mrs. Dodds", but Percy realizes that Grover is lying when he notices that Grover hesitates whenever Percy mentions "Mrs. Dodds". As the school year winds down, Percy overhears Grover and Mr. Brunner talking about him. As he is going home on a bus with Grover, he sees three old ladies knitting a giant sock, which Grover seems intensely worried about. Percy ditches Grover and takes a taxi to his apartment on his own.

His mother arrives soon afterward and tells him that they can go to Montauk for the entire weekend. Percy, happy that something good has finally happened, packs his things and leaves, but not before being jeered at by his stepfather, Gabe Ugliano. At the beach, Percy wakes up in the middle of the night in a storm and is shocked to see Grover coming to him and his mom, telling them to leave. Percy is confused, but his mother takes them both in the car and drives away quickly.

After hearing a growl behind them, his mom arrives at a hill and forces both boys out of the car. Percy sees that the thing chasing them is a Minotaur, which charges them. Percy and his mother manage to dodge it, but Grover is too slow and the Minotaur charges him. Percy, again in a surge of power, manages to defeat the Minotaur, but not before it dissolves Percy's mother into a shower of gold and sends her to the Underworld. Percy drags Grover to Camp Half-Blood, where Percy then passes out on the porch of the Big House.

Percy meets a future friend, Annabeth. He learns that Mr. Brunner is actually the centaur named Chiron,(the camp's activity director), and that the director of the camp is the Greek god Dionysus. He is introduced to Luke Castellan, the leader of the Hermes cabin. Later, in a capture-the-flag game, Percy single-handedly defeats Clarisse, leader of the Ares cabin, and three others before he learns that he is the son of Poseidon. Soon after learning that Zeus's lightning bolt has been stolen, Percy embarks on his first and eventually successful quest along with Grover and Annabeth to retrieve it.[1]

[edit] The Sea of Monsters
Main article: The Sea of Monsters
Thalia's tree, the magical border of Camp Half-Blood, has been poisoned. Chiron is blamed for the poisoning and is dismissed from camp; Tantalus, who comes from the Fields of Punishment and cannot have food or water, takes the job. The only thing able to rid the tree of its poison is the Golden Fleece, which is located on the island of Polyphemus (another son of Poseidon and therefore Percy's half-brother), in the Sea of Monsters (the Bermuda Triangle).

Clarisse La Rue, the daughter of Ares and longtime enemy of Percy, is given the quest to go to the Sea of Monsters to find the Golden Fleece, which has healing powers for plants, animals, and humans. Percy and Annabeth decide to go also, not just for the Golden Fleece, but for their friend Grover who is trapped in Polyphemus' cave. Tyson, a young Cyclops whom Percy befriended at school that year, joins them on their journey after saving Camp Half-Blood from two fire-breathing bulls. Tyson is Poseidon's son and therefore Percy's half-brother.

As they enter the Sea of Monsters, they have to get past Scylla and Charybdis. Instead of trying to sail in between the two, Clarisse automatically goes for Charybdis and Tyson supposedly dies in Clarisse's ship after it sinks. After that, Percy and Annabeth journey to many dangerous islands, and Annabeth tells Percy many things about how Thalia died and she also mentions her prophecy and tells Percy that he has a choice to make when he becomes 16 years old. Fighting their way through many other obstacles, like the Sirens and Circe's island, they join up with Clarisse, Grover, and later Tyson, and leave with the Golden Fleece.

When they return to the mortal world, they send off Clarisse on an airplane with the Fleece to camp alone. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson are kidnapped by Luke. In a duel with him, Percy is nearly killed. He is saved by Chiron, who is proven innocent, and his relatives, the Party Ponies. When they return to camp the Fleece is put on the tree. The Fleece not only revives Thalia's tree, but Thalia too, who appears as she looked in Percy's dreams. It turns out that this was actually Kronos's plan, done so that he would have another chance to manipulate the prophecy which governs the future of Olympus and the Olympians.

At the end Percy and Annabeth win a chariot race and Annabeth kisses Percy on the cheek.[2]

[edit] The Titan's Curse
Main article: The Titan's Curse
In the third book, Grover finds two half-bloods at a school, Bianca and Nico Di Angelo. Percy, Grover, Thalia and two of Artemis' hunters, Zoë and Bianca (who later chose to become a hunter, upsetting Nico), are sent on a quest to save Artemis, who has been kidnapped. Although Percy says he is going to save Annabeth who was captured when Grover, Thalia, and Percy were saving the di Angelo's.

During the journey, Percy meets a mortal girl at Hoover Dam, named Rachel Elizabeth Dare, who can see through the Mist. She helps him escape from skeletal warriors who were trying to attack Percy and his friends. She later becomes the oracle at camp half blood.

While warning them about the junkyard of the gods, Aphrodite, goddess of love, tells Percy there is a romantic future waiting for him with Annabeth. Bianca is fatally attacked by a crazed robot in the junkyard of the gods while trying to get a figurine for her brother Nico. She said it was the only figurine he was missing in his collection. During the battle with Atlas, Zoë receives deadly injuries; she is poisoned by her old friend Ladon; her father, Atlas, makes the final strike that kills her and Atlas is forced to shoulder the burden of holding up the sky again. Upon entering Olympus, the Gods decide whether to kill Thalia, Percy and Bessie (the ophiotaurus) who may hold the decision to tear down Olympus according to the Great Prophecy. Thalia becomes one of Artemis' hunters, eliminating her as a potential recipient of the Great Prophecy as Artemis' hunters do not age. In the end, the gods decide to leave Percy alive and keep the Ophiotaurus in safety at the throne room. Afterwards, a feast is held in honor of the heroes and Athena tells Percy that she disapproves of his friendship with her daughter. At camp, Percy tells Nico the horrible truth; he sprints into the woods. From then on, Nico loathed Percy, blaming him for his sister's death. Annabeth, Percy and Grover search for Nico to no avail. Percy then holds the figurine of the god Bianca gave him at the junk yard. Suddenly, he realizes who Nico's father is: Hades, lord of the dead.[3]

[edit] The Battle of the Labyrinth
Main article: The Battle of the Labyrinth
In book four, the Labyrinth of Daedalus is discovered. Camp Half-Blood is in danger of being invaded by Kronos' army by means of the Labyrinth. Chiron sends Annabeth along with Percy, Grover, and Tyson into the Labyrinth on a quest to find Daedalus. In this, they hope to use his knowledge to help thwart any attacks that are carried out using the giant underground maze. They eventually find Daedalus, who has made himself a new body, and has disguised himself as the sword play counselor. There is a battle, as Kronos' army attacks Camp Half-Blood through the Labyrinth. Many are injured and some are left dead. Daedalus shows up to help along with his giant pet hellhound, Mrs. O'Leary. Daedalus has escaped death for centuries, but gives himself over to Nico di Angelo, a son of Hades, so he can accept his punishment in the Underworld and also so he can see his son Icarus, who was accidentally killed by one of his own inventions and his nephew Perdix, whom he had regrettably killed out of rage. Percy inherits Mrs. O'Leary, who seems to prefer him to any other demigod. Percy and Annabeth's relationship starts to take on a new edge to it. Annabeth saves Percy several times and kisses him once because she thinks he is going to die. She also makes a big scene in front of all the campers when she realized that Percy was alive.Daedalus kills himself in order to destroy the labyrinth which is tied to his life force.[4]

[edit] The Last Olympian
Main article: The Last Olympian
In book five, Percy becomes aware of what the Great Prophecy says about him. In the beginning, Percy and Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus are sent on a quest to blow up Luke's demon cruise ship, and Beckendorf sacrificed himself to save Percy. The event, however tragic, allows the campers to find out there is a spy among them who is reporting everything to Kronos, who took over Luke's body in the fourth book. Percy and Nico, the son of Hades, sneak out of camp, and meet Hestia, who shows Percy part of Luke's past, and they meet Luke's mother, who tried to become the oracle, failed and saw parts of her sons terible future and because of this she started haveing fits and eventually went insane. A war between the Titans and Olympians ensues, one that has been in the making for much of the series. Through the information they find from Hestia and Luke's mother, Percy finds out how to acquire the only weapon that can give him a chance at defeating Kronos. He travels with Nico to the underworld, where he bathes in the River Styx, thus becoming invincible.

They guard Manhattan against Kronos' army with the help of the Hunters and the statues of the city which were built by Daedalus, in case of an attack.

Silena Beuregard turns out to be the spy. She is a good person inside, but Kronos (disguised as Luke)makes a deal with her saying he would bring Beckendorf back to life, as she was Beckendorf's girlfriend. Silena dies trying to kill a drakon, disguised as Clarisse, which upsets Clarisse greatly. In the end of the book, Luke who is also invincible from bathing in the River Styx stabs himself. As a result, he kills himself in order to destroy, but not kill, Kronos and therefore save the Olympians.

Annabeth admits she never loved Luke, and that she cared for him only as a brother. She and Percy finally cement their relationship. They kiss, at which point, the other campers throw them into the canoe lake. Percy then creates an air bubble and they share "pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time."[5]

[edit] Film
Percy was played by Logan Lerman in the movie Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief, a film adaptation of the first book in the series, The Lightning Thief, and a film of the second book, The Sea of Monsters is set to be released in 2012.[citation needed]

[edit] Powers/abilities
Percy, like most demigods, has these disabilities and traits:

ADHD, which actually is heightened alertness that keeps half-bloods ready for battle.
Dyslexia, since his brain is hard-wired for reading Ancient Greek instead of modern languages.
Percy has clairvoyant dreams, causing him to watch events in distant locations as an out-of-body experience. This is a general feature of demigods, but becomes even more intense during times of strife and when events are in motion. Percy has an inherent knack for seeing otherwise hidden things thanks to his unpredictable, changeable nature, inherited from Poseidon.
In The Lightning Thief, Percy is given a magically enchanted sword called Anaklusmos (Riptide). It is made of celestial bronze, a fictional metal which will injure immortals and monsters, but not wound mortals. Many demigods use celestial bronze weapons.

Children of the "big three" (Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades) are more powerful than demigods of the other Greek gods and goddesses. Hence, Percy has a wide range of abilities.

Percy is a naturally talented swordsman, often able to hold his own against larger, stronger, and more experienced opponents.
Percy possesses incredible physical strength. He tore a horn off the head of the Minotaur, and was able to bear the weight of the sky, the curse of Atlas.
Percy has a psychic connection with his friend Grover called an empathy link.
In The Last Olympian, Percy bathes in the River Styx (like Achilles), making him nearly invulnerable except in one weak point (the small of his back, directly opposite the navel) and also granting him increased skill, strength, and puts him into a frenzy in battle.
[edit] Aquatic/hydrokinetic abilities
Percy has numerous powers specifically connected to the domains of Poseidon: seas, horses, sea creatures, storms and earthquakes. His water-related abilities tend to be stronger in sea water than in fresh water. Like most other demigods, using his abilities tires him.

Upon contact with water, Percy gains a disproportionate amount of strength, combat skill, and speed—but only for a short time unless he is standing or immersed in water.
Percy can control large volumes of water with great force (hydrokinesis). For example, he can redirect rivers, create currents to push boats or himself, or even increase surface tension to the point where it is firm enough to stand upon.
Percy can breathe underwater. He is unharmed by water pressure of any amount, or by falling from great height into water.
When Percy is underwater, he stays dry unless he consciously forces himself to become wet. When Percy touches objects underwater, they become dry.
Percy can create seawater with no effort with things that used to be in the sea (such as petrified seashells, as in the book The Battle of the Labyrinth
Percy can communicate telepathically with sea animals,horses, horse related creatures, and pegasi, most of whom also obey him and treat him with respect. They tend to treat him with some deference and work to accommodate him; a notable exception are the flesh-eating horses in The Battle of the Labyrinth.
While at sea, Percy has perfect bearings on his exact coordinates.
Percy can control all parts of boats telekinetically, especially sails.
Percy can sense where objects are underwater.
Percy can communicate with children of Poseidon, such as Cyclopes, underwater.
Percy is very resistant(but not completely burnproof) to burning, and is even able to survive while immersed in magma because of the power of the ocean inside of him.
Percy can make water appear from nothing, though doing this nearly killed him.
Percy can summon hurricanes, as he did in The Last Olympian, since his father is the god of the sea and storms.
Percy can release the oxygen diffused in water and force the surrounding water to recede, making an air bubble so his friends with non-hydrokinetic abilities can breathe.
Percy can control ocean currents to propel him at great force underwater, or even up into the air, as he does in his duel with Ares.
Percy can harden water (without freezing it) to form shields.
Percy has a healing factor when standing or immersed in water, which is capable of mending serious wounds and neutralizing most poisons.
Percy can create earthquakes like he did at Mount St. Helen's in The Battle of the Labyrinth
[edit] Romance
Calypso: Percy, stranded on Ogygia island after being badly burned, is nursed back to health by Calypso. She appears to be around sixteen with almond eyes and caramel hair; Percy thinks she is more beautiful than Aphrodite (goddess of love). Despite the fact that he never expresses love for her, Percy enjoys her company and admires her beauty and grace. When leaving the island, he says she will always be his biggest "what if". She says the gods allow a hero to wash up on her shore every thousand years, always someone she cannot help falling in love with and who cannot stay. She extends him an offer to stay, which would make him immortal, saving him from the prophecy predicting his death when he turns sixteen. However, his friends and family need his help and he chooses to leave. In the end of The Battle of the Labyrinth, he plants a sprig of moonlace in Manhattan, fulfilling his promise to her to plant a garden at his home. In The Last Olympian, he says that Calypso should be excused and released.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare: Even though Percy is not known to love Rachel, it is known that she likes him. Percy was unsure about having a crush on Rachel and never truly admits it. His feelings were mixed mainly because of his feelings towards Annabeth. In time, his growing feelings for Annabeth stopped him from ever developing a relationship with Rachel. In The Last Olympian, Rachel kisses Percy in Paul's Prius right before he sets off to the Princess Andromeda, where it was very likely he could have died. On Olympus, Rachel tells Percy that he was just a distraction for her. She tells him that they can never be together because she took on the spirit of the oracle, restricting her from dating. Percy thinks of this as Rachel "dumping" him but takes it very lightly and says he intends to continue to be friends with her.
Annabeth Chase: Annabeth is Percy's primary love interest throughout the series, as well as second cousin; in each book there are hints of romantic tension and flirting. Percy and Annabeth first meet in The Lightning Thief when Percy wakes up after passing out to see Annabeth, whom he described as "pretty", spoon-feeding him nectar and ambrosia, the food of the gods. Percy is confused and irritated by Annabeth's behavior in the beginning of The Lightning Thief, but they develop a solid friendship at the end of the novel from all they had experienced together. In "The Sea of Monsters", Annabeth kisses Percy on the cheek after the chariot race. In The Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy and Annabeth were supposed to meet up after school for lunch and a movie which Percy's mother, Sally, referred to as a "date" and teased him about it. In The Titan's Curse, Percy meets Aphrodite, who tells him that he will have a tragic love life; incidentally, Percy meets Rachel a little while after. At the end of the book, he nearly has a heart attack, thinking Annabeth was about to join the Hunters of Artemis. Annabeth kisses him four times, once after winning the chariot race in The Sea of Monsters, though that was only on the cheek, again as she leaves him to fight the telekhines at Mount St. Helens in The Battle of the Labyrinth, in the dining area of Camp Half-Blood, prior to all the other campers throwing them in the canoe lake in The Last Olympian, where they share an underwater kiss. Also in The Last Olympian when Percy and Annabeth were inspecting Annabeth's cabin, Percy states that "sure, she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful". When Percy goes to the River Styx to bathe, he is supposed to envision the one thing that keeps him tied to the mortal world. He thinks of Annabeth pulling him out of the water at the canoe lake. Annabeth is also the only person who knows Percy's vulnerable spot. When Kronos is spotted during the battle in The Last Olympian, Percy orders a retreat, but Annabeth stays behind to help him, taking a knife that would have killed him. At the end of The Last Olympian when Luke is dying, he asks Annabeth if she ever loved him, to which she replies that she only loved Luke as a brother, looking up to Percy, extremely glad he had survived the battle.
[edit] Relationship with Olympians
Poseidon: Percy is on good terms with Poseidon primarily because he is his son and even gives him a birthday present. At the end of The Battle of the Labyrinth, Poseidon states that Percy is his favorite son. Poseidon even forgives Percy for sitting on his throne in The Last Olympian. Poseidon states that not even Hercules is as good a hero as him.
Zeus: Zeus, the king of the Gods, has mixed feelings for Percy. He is upset over Percy's birth because it violates the pact that he, Poseidon, and Hades made after World War Two to not bear any more children, but is pleased when Percy returns his Master Bolt to him in The Lightning Thief and admits a certain respect for Percy accomplishing this. During the winter solstice in The Titan's Curse, Zeus votes to let Percy live, but this may have been tied to the fate of his own daughter, Thalia, as well. However, Thalia had agreed to become one of Artemis' Huntresses before this, so it is possible that this may not have mattered. In spite of all of this, Zeus tells Percy that if he ever finds him in his realm (the sky), he will strike him down. After Percy fights in the battle at the end of The Last Olympian, Zeus offers Percy godhood, and therefore immortality, for saving Olympus from the Titans.
Hades: Hades, the lord of the underworld, has mixed feelings about Percy. Percy previously accuses him of stealing Zeus' Master Bolt when it was in fact Luke who stole it. Later however, he returns to Hades his Helm of Darkness and clears his name of all charges pressed against him. In The Last Olympian, Hades is shown assisting Percy during the war, even talking with his son, Nico, who also has a decent relationship with Percy, afterward. When mentioned by Percy during his decision of rejecting immortality, Hades is shown casually addressing him, with none of the malice that he normally shows throughout the series.
Ares: The god of war despises Percy. He started off thinking to manipulate Percy into unknowingly starting a war of the gods in The Lightning Thief, but held a grudge against Percy after Percy wounded him in their battle, due to the insult to Ares' pride. It is dangerous for Percy that they are on bad terms because Ares, being the god of war, thinks highly of revenge and is quite violent. Ares puts a curse on Percy, saying that when he needs his sword the most, it will fail him. He only goes along with granting Percy godhood because he can fight him as many times as he wants and Percy will just keep coming back.
Athena: The goddess of wisdom, war, strategy, industry, justice and skill disapproves of Percy's 'friendship' with her daughter Annabeth because of the historical rivalry between herself and Poseidon and the unpredictable, uncontrollable element Percy represents, but Percy has not done anything against her directly. In The Titan's Curse, she may have helped to guide him at the Hoover Dam. However, in the same book, she also voted that he be destroyed. In The Last Olympian, Athena is on good terms with Percy, with the exception of his relationship with Annabeth.
Hera: the goddess of women,marriage and family, neither likes nor dislikes Percy. Near the end of The Battle of the Labyrinth he and Annabeth both disagree with her views of families having to be perfect, siding with Hephaestus on the matter instead, even though Hera helped them numerous times in the book. Percy also insults her by mentioning Thalia, one of Zeus' children not borne by her, whom Hera historically despises, along with Hercules. She swears to make Annabeth regret her decision, much like Ares did to Percy, but it is not directly stated whether she included Percy in this statement. She makes Ares write a thank you letter to Poseidon for saving Olympus, in keeping with her duty as the god of motherhood.
Dionysus ("Mr. D"): Percy primarily has been on Mr. D's bad side from the very second they met. Percy does not like Dionysus very much either, for he constantly antagonizes Percy (and all other demigods, for that matter except his twin sons) by never calling them by their real names (preferring to call him "Peter Johnson" or "Perry Johansson"), but he saves Percy's life in The Titan's Curse. One of the other reasons he may dislike half-bloods is because of the way they treat mortals; he mentions Theseus and Ariadne, Jason and Medea, and alludes to Hercules and Zoё Nightshade in The Titan's Curse, mentioning how the former in all three cases used and later abandoned the latter. However, at the end of the Battle of the Labyrinth, their relationship comes to better terms after one of Dionysus' sons dies in the final battle. Dionysus believes Grover's news of Pan's death, disbands the Council of Cloven Elders when they are at a tie, and cures Chris Rodriguez, a previous traitor half-blood, of the madness he obtained in the Labyrinth. Most shockingly, he calls Percy by his real name, although he later denies this. They are on much better terms by the end of The Battle of the Labyrinth. Although Dionysus denies this, he favors Percy with his judgment, help, and advice, more than any other god in the series.
Hephaestus: Is grateful to Percy for having discovered who was using his forge under Mt. St. Helens, even though he causes an eruption that destroyed the forge and awakened Typhon (who had been imprisoned under it), but also dispersed and/or killed the users. At the end of the 5th book, Hephaestus said that Percy had done "a pretty bang up job, mostly." Historically, Hephaestus and Poseidon have close ties in the terms of the Cyclopes who work for both of them.
Artemis: Percy is on Artemis' good side since he helped find and save her in The Titan's Curse. She even declared him a hero in the halls of Olympus itself and started calling him a man rather than a boy after he helped her defeat Atlas. His respect for Zoë Nightshade, and his deep loyalty, regardless of gender, has also improved her view of him.
Hermes: Percy is on good terms with Hermes, who convinced him to go on a quest in The Sea of Monsters and gave him magic items to assist him in his journey. He also explained the relationship between gods and heroes to him. Their relationship took a turn for the worse after realizing that Percy could not save Luke and Hermes grew bitter to all heroes. But after the war, their relationship was mended upon Percy's counseling and sympathy of Luke's situation and prophecy as well as how powerless Hermes was.
Aphrodite: Aphrodite likes Percy and the situation his 'friendship' with Annabeth creates. She expressed an interest in their relationship, meaning that she plans to meddle with it in some way. Percy is understandably ambivalent towards this because Aphrodite sees it easily becoming a romantic tragedy—and likes the idea. She also said she would make Percy's love life hard, just because she likes him. The way she meddled with it was by making Percy meet Rachel and causing him to be confused about Annabeth.
Apollo: Apollo treats Percy like a younger cousin (which he is). The sun god helped Percy twice in The Titan's Curse so that they could save Artemis, his sister. Being the god of prophecy, he also told Percy how important dreams could be.
Hestia: Percy and Hestia have a good relationship. In The Last Olympian, Percy entrusts her with Pandora's pithos that contains the spirit of hope, Elpis, saying that "hope is best kept by the hearth". This helps mend her anger towards the gods for giving her a small role as well as her negative perception of demigods, which Kronos had used to bring many of the minor gods to his side. She also helps him and shows him the stories of Luke.
it's my dearest school i've eva met n miss!~

St. Mary's School, Kuala Lumpur
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Not to be confused with a primary school of the same name (locally known as SK St. Mary), which is located just beside the school..
St. Mary's School Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan St. Mary

Motto I Serve
Established 1912
Type Secondary
Public (partially funded by government)
Anglican mission school
Gender Female
Affiliations Ministry of Education of Malaysia
Anglican Diocese of Singapore (before 8 April 1970)
Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia (after 8 April 1970)
Chairman of the Board of Governors Dato' Stanley Isaacs
Principal Miss Goh Hai Bee
Founder Bishop Ferguson-Davie
Teaching staff 58 (as of 2007)
Students 1273 (as of 2007)
Form 1-5
Location No. 7, Jalan Intan Baiduri 5D, Taman Intan Baiduri,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Coordinates 3°13′49″N 101°38′58″E / 3.23028°N 101.64944°E / 3.23028; 101.64944Coordinates: 3°13′49″N 101°38′58″E / 3.23028°N 101.64944°E / 3.23028; 101.64944
Yearbook Fleur De Lys
MOE code WEB0224[1]
St. Mary's School, locally known as SMK St. Mary in Malay, is a public all-girl secondary school located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was previously situated in the Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur, before being reshifted into the borders of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, beside the MRR2 highway. According to Google Maps, the school is in the Selangor territory, however the official address of the school determined that it belongs to the Kuala Lumpur territory.

St. Mary's School used to be a school comprising kindergarten, primary and secondary education. Kindergarten was split in 1946, whereas the primary and secondary education section were separated in 1958.

Contents [hide]
1 History
1.1 In the Golden Triangle premise
1.1.1 Demolition of the old school building
1.2 After relocation to Jalan Intan Baiduri 5D
2 School site
3 Curriculum
4 Extracurricular activities
4.1 Musical theatre
4.2 Sports houses
4.3 Achievements
5 Notable alumnae
6 List of former principals
7 School song
8 See also
9 References
9.1 Citations
10 External links

[edit] History
[edit] In the Golden Triangle premise

The dilapidated main school building at Jalan Tengah as seen towards the southeast.In 1911, the idea of establishing an English High School exclusively for girls was proposed by the first Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Singapore, Bishop Ferguson-Davie. The first principal position was appointed to Miss Eveleigh. On 4 November 1912, the school officially opened in a house located at 18 Weld Road (now known as Jalan Raja Chulan) with the principal, Miss Chitty who took charge of women's work and 3 enrolments.

The school was relocated to Ampang Road off Lake View Road in 1913. It was only in January 1917 that the school was recognized as St. Mary's School for girls and the responsibility was taken by St. Mary's Church. Miss F.C. Pope, who was previously in charge of music, took over the principal position when Miss Playne resigned. As of 1917, the school comprised two semi-detached houses with an enrolment of 30, 8 of which were boarders. In the same year, the 9-acre (36,000 m2) site of Weld Hill Road was bought under the name of the Bishop of Singapore and Malaya, using a sum of £36000. In September of the same year, the school moved again to a bungalow in 7 Treacher Road (now known as Jalan Sultan Ismail), with a total of 54 morning session students and 4 boarders. The faculty comprised Miss Pope, Miss Kay, Mrs. King and Miss Alice Chen. Miss Pope resigned as principal towards the end of 1917 and she was replaced by Miss Mc Neil in June 1918. At the end of 1918, Miss Pope finally gave up her work in the school and returned to England.

The same building, as seen towards the south.In the following year, The Reverend A.B. Champion, the Chaplain of Selangor at that time and also a friend of the founder,[2] opened the Boys' Department and Boarding House, making the school coeducational for the first time. 2 expansions were made: one in November 1922 which completed in 1923, another in 1930. Between this period, the St. Mary's Association was formed in 1925. In 1931, Miss Mc Neil retired after her 13 years of service and she was replaced by Miss Pring.

When Miss Pring went on furlough in 1934, Miss Sprenger became the acting principal. In the same year, school uniform was adopted and the school badge was introduced with these symbols:

The Lily of St. Mary's
The motto I Serve
The Lamp of Learning
The first issue of the school magazine entitled Fleur De Lys, which was named after the lily on the school badge, was published in 1937.

In March 1938, the school returned to being an all-girls school after 19 years as the Boys' Department was terminated due to insufficient boys to form a class. There was a total of 318 enrolment in primary and secondary section and 62 students in two kindergarten classes.

As of 1939, the first Sports House system was introduced and the original names were those of the Federated Malay States, each represented by a colour:

Negeri Sembilan House - blue
Pahang House - green
Selangor House - red
Perak House - purple
Miss Pring left for England on furlough once again in June 1939, thus Miss Florence Carpenter became the acting principal.

Following World War II when the Japanese Army invades Malaya, all schools were closed by 1942. Before being evacuated to India later, Miss Carpenter went to Singapore. The school building was used as a military hospital by the Japanese Army. Miss Pring who was on her leave, died due to tragic fall in Kashmir.

The school reopened with Miss Edna Yzelman as the acting principal in 18 October 1945 after the Japanese Army retreated from Malaya towards the end of World War II. The kindergarten section was split from the school in 1946 under Miss Frank. Miss Carpenter, who was evacuated prior to the war, returned to the school and became the new principal. The school later received a visit from the Governor of Malaya, Sir Edward Gent in 6 April 1946. Due to staff shortage, the school Certificate class had to be combined with that in Pudu English School.

As school reopened on 20 January 1947, full classes resumed with Miss Agnes Pinnick as the acting principal. There was much progress in the school that temporary classrooms were established near the road for the accommodation of increasing enrolment. The school Sports Houses were also renamed to the names of past principals, using the same colours from before except purple, which was replaced by yellow:

McNeil House - blue (previously Negeri Sembilan House)
Playne House - red (previously Selangor House)
Pope House - green (previously Pahang House)
Pring House - yellow (previously Perak House - purple)
By 1949, there were as many as 500 students in the school, and the school Certificate class obtained full pass with 10 distinctions out of 23. School was expanded in 1955 with the construction of Domestic Science room. The students in Form 1 and 2 were also taught with a new subject, Home Science. First celebration of the school birthday was officially held after 43 years of establishment at 14 October.

Parent-Teacher Association of the school was formed in 10 July 1956. Later in 1 November 1957, the Right Reverend Tan Sri Roland Koh (the first Bishop after Diocese of West Malaysia was formed) opened more new classrooms for the primary education students.

1 January 1958 saw the separation of St. Mary's into primary and secondary schools, with Mrs. Louise LaBrooy assuming the principal seat for the primary school.

In 15 October 1959, Bishop Roland Koh, once again, opened a new block in the school, which consisted of Science labs and canteen. In conjunction with the incorporation of Rahman Talib Report into Education Act 1961, [3] the upper secondary (Form 4 and 5) students were split into two streams: Arts and Science.

As the school reached its 50th year anniversary, the Golden Jubilee Year was celebrated on 18 October 1962, and the school magazine publishing a special Jubilee edition as well. Miss Carpenter also retired as school principal, replaced by Miss Diana Sellors in 1963.

In 4 February 1969, the Minister of Education at that time, Tan Sri Mohd Khir Johari, opened another extension which comprised the Art room, Domestic Science rooms and more classrooms. Mrs. Maureen Morel replaced retiring Miss Sellors as the principal on 14 August 1970, thus becoming the first Asian principal ever appointed.

The principal seat was taken over by Mrs. Rajendran in 1975. She introduced several programmes for the school which are still practised to date, namely the Leadership Training Course, Prefects' Installation, Religious Emphasis Week and Library Week. School band was formed in the next year.

As Miss E. N. Richards replaced Mrs. Rajendran in 1980, the school was renovated extensively and it was repainted in 1986. The school celebrated its 75th and 80th anniversary in 1987 and 1991 respectively. Dato' Stanley Isaacs was also appointed the Chairman of the Board of Governors seat. The school was renovated again for the last time in the Jalan Tengah premise - two classrooms and two specialist rooms were established.

The relocation plan began in 1995, when the Lion Group bought the school land and negotiations were made with the Ministry of Education. The new school model was displayed to the public on 10 May 1997, with Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah as the guest of honour. December of the same year marked the beginning of the large scale shift to the new 9-acre (36,000 m2) site at Taman Intan Baiduri, Selayang. The new building was estimated to cost RM33million.

In 21 February 1998, more than 800 ex-students attended the Reunion Dinner organised by the St. Mary's School Association to bid the old school farewell. Finally in 31 March, the Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia handed the keys of the old school to the Lion Group.

[edit] Demolition of the old school building
In May 2006, Eastern & Oriental Group (E&O Group) joined the Jalan Tengah Development project and an agreement was signed between the Diocese of West Malaysia, Lion Group and E&O Group. With approvals obtained by October 2007, the old school building was demolished on 28 November 2007.[4] The site was used for the construction of St. Mary's Residence, a service apartment which consists of three 28-storey blocks, by the Lion Group and E&O Group.[5]

[edit] After relocation to Jalan Intan Baiduri 5D
5 January 1998 marked the first day of school in the new location, with an enrolment of 410 students in 10 classes. All Science labs, the VIP room and meeting room were fully equipped by the end of the year. The first fund-raising campaign in the school history was held on 6 March 1999, a few months after the school relocation. The campaign netted RM50,000. In 15 July, the school PA system was fully establishment using the funds of Pesta Ria (translated as "Fun Fair"). A row of tembusu trees was planted as a tribute to the old school in 4 September.

Through the generosity of St. Mary's Association, the school hall was already equipped with motorised stage curtains and a wood panelling façade by March 2000. Another new school building was officially opened by Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah and Datin Paduka Seri Endon Mahmood. The school new website was also launched on the same day.

Jogathon, an event similar to marathon, was held as the second fund-raising campaign on 24 February 2001. Later in 15 June, Datin Amar Elizabeth Moggie, wife of the Minister of Telecommunications, Multimedia and Post, officially opened the school Computer Laboratory

In 6 July 2001, the school, as well as the school Parent-Teacher Association and the Board of Governors organised farewell celebrations for Miss Richards, who had served the school as principal for 21 years. A farewell dinner was also held by the St. Mary's Association at the Grand Seasons Hotel later in that day. Miss Goh Kai Lian succeeded Miss E.N. Richards in 2002 to become the next principal. Another fund-raising campaign, Fun Fair, was held in 9 April 2005 and the target of RM100,000 was achieved.

A farewell ceremony, organised by the school, Parent-Teacher Association and the Board of Governors, was held for Miss Goh's retirement in 21 October 2005. Miss Goh Hai Bee, younger sister of Miss Goh Kai Lian, took over the principal seat in 2006.

[edit] School site
This section requires expansion.

[edit] Curriculum
Further information: Secondary stage of education in Malaysia
Like most other public schools, the school follows syllabus set by the Malaysia Ministry of Education. Students are to take the public examinations, namely PMR and SPM, in Form 3 and Form 5 respectively. The optional pre-university level, Form 6, is not taught in the school, therefore Form 5 students who wish to further their studies in Form 6 would have to transfer to another school which provides Form 6 education to sit for STPM.

[edit] Extracurricular activities
[edit] Musical theatre
History of St. Mary's public theatrical performances dates back to 1947, where the first dramas ever made in this school, The Siege of Ping and Alice in the Wonderland, were performed on 8 and 9 August respectively.

Most of the performances to date featured notable works.

Date performed Title1 Notes
8 August 1947 The Siege of Ping
9 August 1947 Alice in the Wonderland
October 1975 Joseph and His Technicolour Dreamcoat Performed full length.
1976 The Boyfriend
1979 The Sound of Music
1980 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Performed full length.
1991 The Sound of Music Restaged in the school hall.
1995 Annie Get Your Gun With Datin Paduka Seri Endon binti Mahmood as the patron, this was the last musical performed before the relocation of school.
2003 The Sound of Music Third restage performed at Malaysian Tourism Centre (MTC). The objective was to raise funds in order to upgrade musical instruments of the school band.
27 and 28 June 2008 Phantom of the Opera Performed once on each day in the school hall.

1 Links of titles lead to the notable work featured, not the actual performance by this school.

[edit] Sports houses
Sports day is held annually before first semester ends. This system was introduced in 1939 and four houses were established, all named after the Federated Malay States. As of 1948, they were renamed after St. Mary's past principals as follows[6]:

McNeil House or Blue House (previously Negeri Sembilan House)
Playne House or Red House (previously Selangor House)
Pope House or Green House (previously Pahang House)
Pring House or Yellow House (previously Perak House or Purple House)
[edit] Achievements
In the 2009 ITF 14 & Under Asian Championship organised by Sarawak Lawn Tennis Association (SLTA) held from 10 to 21 January 2009, Archnaah d/o Rajan, a student of the school, managed to achieve fifth place in the Girls' single.[7] In the Girls' doubles, she emerged as the champion together with her partner, Lyn Yuen Choo.[8]

[edit] Notable alumnae
Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Mohamad Ali[9] - First Lady of Malaysia (1981–2003)
Datin Paduka Seri Endon binti Mahmood[10] - First Lady of Malaysia (2003-2005)
Tan Sri Devaki Krishnan[11] - former Kuala Lumpur municipal councilor and Wanita Malayan Indian Congress deputy president
Low Ngai Yuen - actor, film and theater director
Datin Sri Tiara Jacquelina Abdullah[12] - actor
Rima Rashidi[13] - former artist (active in the early 1990s)
Joanne de Rozario - news presenter and producer
[edit] List of former principals
1912-1915 Miss Eveleigh
1915 Miss Playne
1916 Miss F. C. Pope
1918 Miss McNeil
1931-1942 Miss Marjorie Pring
Miss Sprenger (acting principal)
1945-1946 Miss Edna L. Yzelman (acting principal)
1947-1948 Madam Agnes Pinnick (acting principal)
1948-1962 Miss Florence G. Carpenter
1962-1970 Miss Diane Sellors
1970-1974 Madam. Maureen Morell
1975-1979 Madam G. L. Rajendran
1980-2001 Madam E. N. Richards
2001-2005 Miss Goh Kai Lian
[edit] School song
This song was originally written for Cato College (as of 1989, it became part of Wesley College, after amalgamating into the college) in Melbourne, Australia. It was written by Arthur Wall, whereas the music was composed by Dr. Alfred Ernest Floyd. [14]

United and strong,
Sing we a glad song,
For the school and the rules,
That guide us,
Of the colors and crest,
Of our works and our rest,
Of the things that our school provide us.

For God and for school,
Afar be it known,
We stand by the badge of our school,
The yellow and blue,
Shall ever be seen,
To the fore,
In sports and pure knowledge.

Will aye seek her fame,
Yea make good her claim,
For the name and the fame,
The dearest,
So work for the whole,
And sing from the soul,
For the sake of St. Mary,
The dearest.

[edit] See also
Malaysia portal
List of schools in Malaysia
[edit] References
"History". St. Mary's School Alumni, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Malaysia. Retrieved 8 December, 2009.
[edit] Citations
^ "Maklumat Sekolah [School Details]" (in Malay). Malaysia: Information Management Division, Ministry of Education. 31 January 2009. Retrieved 10 December 2009.
^ "The Bishop Trail (1500M) - The Fig Trail". Malaysia: Fraser's Hill Development Corporation. Retrieved 8 December 2009. "... The Bishop and a friend, Reverend A.B Champion, the Chaplain of Selangor, went on a holiday ramble ..."
^ "Chapter 3 - Structure of Education and Organization of School System" (PDF). The Educational Statistics System of Malaysia 1972. Unesco. 1973. p. 24 (p. 18 of the actual work). Retrieved 10 December 2009.
^ "Redevelopment of Jalan Tengah Land" (PDF). Anglican messenger. Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia. January 2008. p. 4. Retrieved 13 December 2009.
^ "E&O Group aims to boost earnings from hospital division". Daily Express. Sabah Publishing House Sdn. Bhd.. 1 October 2008. Retrieved 13 December 2009.
^ "St. Mary's School official website". Retrieved 2008-05-17.
^ "ITF 14 & Under Asian C'ship 2009" (PDF). International Tennis Federation. 29 January 2009. Retrieved 9 December 2009.
^ "ITF 14 & Under Asian C'ship 2009 Girls Doubles" (PDF). International Tennis Federation. 29 January 2009. Retrieved 9 December 2009.
^ "Article: Siti Hasmah opens St Mary's new premises". New Straits Times. HighBeam Research. 30 July 2000. Retrieved 11 December 2009. "... Dr Siti Hasmah paid tribute to her former teachers who provided guidance during her seven years in the schools starting 1934."
^ "Allahyarham Datin Paduka Seri Endon Mahmood". Open University Malaysia. 6 April 2009. Retrieved 11 December 2009.
^ "Tan Sri Devaki Krishnan". New Straits Times. 13 September 2007. Retrieved 11 December 2009. "... Devaki, who studied at the St. Mary's Girls School, Kuala Lumpur, ..."
^ "Silobreaker: Biography for Tiara Jacquelina". Silobreaker Limited. 15 January 2009. Retrieved 10 December 2009.
^ Abu Bakar, Muzlina (29 June 2009). "Rima terpinggir kerana gemuk [Rima cast away for being fat]" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia Online. Retrieved 2 February 2010.
^ Wall, Arthur. "Deo Domuique" (PDF). Rhymes. Melbourne, Australia: State Library of Victoria. p. 11. Retrieved 6 December, 2009.
[edit] External links
Photographs of St. Mary's School on Weld Hill Road prior to demolition
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Min Ho :)
Real Name: Choi Minho 최민호
Birthday: December 9, 1991 (17)
Position: Rap, Vocal
Height: 181 CM
Hobbies/Expertise: Watching Movies, Singing, Writing Lyrics, Acting, English, Mandarin
Extras: He was discovered at the “2006 S.M. Casting System”. Before debuting with SHINee, Minho modeled for Ha Sang Baek’s “Seoul Collection F/W 08-09″ in March. He has also appeared in Girls’ Generation’s music video “Gee”.

Birth Name: Stephanie Hwang ( )
Korean Name: Hwang Mi-young
Nicknames: Fany Fany Tiffany, DdilFany (clumsy Fany), AjumNy, Mushroom
Date of Birth: August 1, 1989
Height: 162 cm.
Weight: 50 kg.
Position: Lead Vocalist
Language: Korean, English (Fluent), Chinese (Basic), Japanese (Basic), Spanish (Basic)
Speciality: Flute
Casted: 2004 SM Casting System; 2004 CJ/KMTV (USA-LA) Contest 1st Place
Training: 3 Years 7 Months
School: Korea Kent Foreign School (K.K.F.S.) [graduated]
Career: – 2007 VJ for KMTV ‘Sonyun Sonyuh Gayo Baekso’ (with Kim Hyesung)
- 2009 OST for MBC drama Jang Myung Go ‘By Myself ( )‘
- 2009 Featured with K.Will ‘A Girl Meets Love‘
- 2009 Featured with The Blue ‘Feeling Only You‘ (with Sooyoung)
- 2009 MC for MBC Music Core (with Yuri)

last nite i lay in bed looking..
up at the stars in the sky and thought to myself..
where the heck is the ceiling? -.-'
i keep on saying i love U..
don't get excited coz i love the other alphabets too.
i love N! i love A! i love I! i love M!~weehee
i was born as a girl.
and i ain't no princess..but..,
how if the crown do fits on me?
u know why me n my life haven't cracked for ages?..
it just because imma diamond.
diamonds don't crack :)
and and and..
u'll neva know wht i'll do next.
i'm just Undefine.Unwritten
got a problem with me~solve it
u think i'm trippin'~tie my shoes
cnt' stnd me~ sit back down!
u cnt' face me~ just turn around..!
i don't chase on dream.but~ i hope on and ride it<3
i expect nothing,
and i..i do appreciate everything.
my life is a great bundle of little things.
i got hundred of reasons to cry in my life,
..but i got thousand of reasons to smile,
and billion of reasons to laugh in my life.
i was a damaged ppl before.and i'm glad..
..coz now i knew how to survive.
imma drum too!
u should neva leave me.coz, u'll be leaving the
BEAT too,rite?
and i float like a butterfly, and sting like a bee~
i laugh out loud as much as i breathe.
life is like a photography,
i'll use the negatives to develop -__-
a lie can travel around..
while the truth still putting on its shoes
some were just jealous of me.
coz i act retarded an ppl still love me.
toast up,liddats!

p/s: rawrrr when u read! :)
brrr... on 24th Dis 2009, i went nureen's party kt uma dye..omigosh, i really miss her damn much more...then, rmi yg dtg; cha,sof,nad,mia,faii,fara,naz,tirah, n i met nureen's lil sis; rinduu kt iman kecik!..haha, nxt we ate pizza n fried noodles and i tell u wht; the noodles is the best dat i've tried,thx bibik < 3..then, we played songs game n my group won, well thx syg; nureen,cha,sof,faii!!...oh yaa, we also had a story time n d topic is GHOST!...hahaha...after that we went playground n we snap byk gile pics..aha2..n we played card too; but it's halfway..=P..owh, we had so much fun together n i tell u; THEY ARE MY REAL BESTIES IN THIS WHOLE WIDE WORLD TILL THE END!!..syg < 33


it's just about us.
what we're supposed to we live our life.
how much loves can we make in our lifetime.
how joyful is life.
how huge ur heart to ur beloved.
how u spend ur precious momment with family.
telling us bout sad stories.
taught us to be a better person.
chances to know ppl's differences.
be a fighter to survive.
know our fears n goals.
think better frm stage to another.
learn bout friendship.
know how much we care fer a better life.
bring us to our dreams;not all.
give us chance to reach fer our dreams as reaching fer the stars.
knowing great ppl.
know wht's ur favourites.
know wht's ur true colour of ur life.
hate some bad things created.
think positively.
accept the things that i cnt change.
somehow, life sucks badly.
made us cry aLot.
sometimes, we'll think negatively.
break our heart.
and left alone when we're in trouble.
get cranky when things go wrong.
n empty in ur heart.
but still;
life is good.
no matter how u live ur life.
no matter what will happen nxt.
n how they judge u.
or what is ur luck.
it's not a bad one.
mybe u'll find something fun in ur life.
just go crazy n let go ur sadness.
emo is the worst thing rite?
n just don't let it kill ur life slowly.
think better.
and in the world; where u can be anything,
just be URSELF.
LIFE is all about u dear!

bestfie are the ppl in life,
that make me laugh a lil louder..
smile a lil brighter,
..and live a lil better.
they are the most memorable ppl
in my life,
who loved me when..
i am not very lovable.
our inside jokes-too many to name,
when we're apart it's never the same..
..when we're together it's nothing but FUN,
replacing my girls just can't be done!


i love my whores no matter how retarded they are.i've hugged n kissed their cheeks fer million times.have u done dat to ur bestfie.u're not a great friend if u haven' ur friends like u urself.!


pls tell me if u weren't's tiring!
why can't u get it?!..
it's omg..
they're totally different frm u, bitches!!...
*i love you like hell and so damn fucking much more retard~ess and thats all i really know in this whole wide world*
tuh pown xfhmmm

this one while on the way to playground,..
we all smpt snap pic kt van pk cik mne ntahh nie..

ween ngn soff, ..
Thissss(show ur MiddleFinger)

u got that?!
and snap!..
p/s: ween slalu overrr..*shisssh*

imann.adik ween tuh.
ween n her sis look alike.
btw, imann nice to me<3.kechikkechikkechikkechik!

soff!.show ur passion.
p/s: sya ngn i rebut sofffff.

luckily u got fara besides u.
*nad, awkward holding the red guitar :DD

nothing else can i say X))
*this is so OMG*
p/s: seweljap

in playground.
i still can't understand u guys,..
hurgghhh...fine, SALUTE!

like crazy ppl.
i do lololoves u retard*essssss

it's faraminho's idea!...
*i'm totally innocent in this case..*
she asked us to pose like this. :P

they're so mean.
i'm alone..and and, they did the PEACE..
last but not least,..both of them nie the most that i love, lol ween ngn soff
rinduuu u like hell*speechless*